Wednesday, December 26, 2012

So long Kitwe!

We are wrapping up our time in Kitwe. It has been a great 5.5 weeks here and I'm getting sad to be leaving so soon.
First, I'll update you on the past week...
Last Thursday we went to a recording studio, yes recording studio, that Lillian's son helps run. A couple of the older boys work there and plans had been arranged for Ava Michelle to sing a song with this Zambia artist named "Q". So she is officially going to be a Zambian pop sensation- unfortunately it will be after we leave so the fame will all be virtual. While we were there, everyone kept asking me to sing and not believing my claims to being tone deaf. Another owner named Truth asked me to help with their "logo" and by "logo" they meant "slogan". They wanted a loud, high-pitched voice- I was perfect for the job. So unless they find a better fit for the part, their slogan: "MEC Music Productions... We Jazz It Up!" will be in my voice!

They had a Christmas service at church on Sunday. We showed up at 8:30 am (the time the service was supposed to start) with our improvised version of macaroni and cheese (which was a hit!) Well, even Christmas happens on Zambian time apparently!
Supposed line-up:                                Reality:
normal service: 8:30-10:30                   normal service: 9:20-12:00
caroling: 10:30-12:00                           announcements and random time-fillers: 12:00-13:00
lunch: 12:00-14:00                               lunch: 13:00-15:00
But don't worry. There was a dance party during worship. They called different groups- mothers, fathers, youth (ages 18-35), children- down separately to praise Jesus by moving their hips. As if we ever think we go unnoticed, Pastor D called us out when he asked the youth to come down. He said, "Risa and Michelle, that means you!" Of course we followed suit and danced with the other "youth". After the sermon, Dr. Mwila asked us to come and speak about what we've been doing at Dayspring. We did (in slow English) and thanked them for their hospitality. Then the whole church prayed over us for safe travels, good experiences and success finding jobs back in the U.S. Supposedly Dr. Mwila is a pretty powerful prayer so we'll see!

Then yesterday = actual Christmas.
Disclaimer: We knew it would be nothing like what we are used to but it was still wonderful, so no sympathy.
We had left out tap water and Weet Bix (these wheat cereal bar things) for Zambian Santa. We didn't have "biscuits" (aka cookies) or nshima and Zambians don't really "take" (aka drink) milk. I guess Santa wasn't impressed with our attempted substitutions because our offerings were still there in the morning, with no additions. We went to Grace to see the boys and hang out until Lillian came to get us. Finally her husband came an hour and a half (still on time, even early, for Lillian) and we went to their home in Riverside to join Lillian's sister, the Mwilas' four biological children, their "burse" (aka maid/nanny) and about seven of the younger kids from Dayspring who didn't go home for Christmas. We had lunch and honestly, the spread wasn't far from what we would have had at home- turkey, ham, potatoes (sweet and regular), gravy, yellow rice, cake and tea. It was delicious! The only thing missing was apple pie...
The boys at Grace didn't have their Secret Santa gifts ready so we postponed to today- hopefully an extra day was sufficient time to prepare. All in all, it was a great Christmas. Freedom from all of the fuss was a relaxing treat and not knowing what to expect allowed for a day of pleasant, simple surprises. Lillian invited us back for another African Christmas next year but I think I'll give in and plan on enjoying an American one (at least to some extent).

Countdown to departure from Kitwe: 3 DAYS! And I feel like we have so much to fit in. I'm not going to lie, I've contemplated the possibility of just spending our last two weeks here, where we've made friends and know our way around and are comfortable. But as soon as I let myself utter that last word, I realize that is exactly why we have to go. We've done what God planned for us to do in Kitwe, at Dayspring. The friendships we've built and invested in will no doubt continue on. The things we've learned- from Bemba phrases to flexibility to cultural tidbits to trusting in God's timing- will make the journey with us to Livingstone, then to Asia and finally back to America.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and enjoy bringing in the new year!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Joy to the World.

Countdown to Christmas: 7 days.
How can that be? It feels like July here. There are no "Holiday Sale" signs in store windows. Christmas decorations are a rare sight. There is no talk about who is left to buy for or when to fit in all of the gift exchanges. In all of those ways it feels like anything but the December that 22 years in America has accustomed me to. And for all of those reasons, I can imagine that a lot of people back home are thinking, "Poor Risa. She won't get to spend the holidays with her family. She won't have gifts to open on Christmas." 
But that's not the case at all. I am beyond excited to celebrate a Christmas free from the commercialization and materialistic display that it has become in the developed world. For the first time in years, I'm not hurrying to get the PERFECT GIFT for each of my loved ones. I am not recovering from the stress of final exams. I am not overindulging in all of the special treats that the holidays bring. Rather, I get to spend a lot of time with boys who don't really have families. I get to enjoy the Advent services that Pastor Mwila has given to prepare us for Christmas. I get to be pleasantly surprised every time I see a Christmas tree instead of expecting every "hall to be decked". 
And as far as the family part of Christmas...
Of course I will miss Christmas Day with my parents and my grandmother. And celebrating with my boyfriend and all of my best friends. But the people we have met here are as good a substitute as I could ask for! The boys at Dayspring, the staff at Kambalange (our hostel), Ivor - they are my Zambian family. That's what the holidays are all about, right? Celebrating the birth of a little baby, not a fat man coming down the chimney with gifts. Enjoying time together with people you love, not stressing over the house being perfectly decorated or Christmas dinner being ready on time. Rejoicing in the promised freedom that God made manifest over 2000 years ago. One of my really great friends included the following in her email this week:

7.  MERRY CHRISTMAS.  I pray you are not saddened at what you are missing this Christmas, but that you are rejoicing at the simplicity of receiving the only gift that matters.  Praise God that you are not clouded by the unnecessary supplements that, while nice, seem to make us a little more numb to the glory of the gift of Jesus Christ.  This thing called awe.  Practice it this Christmas while you have nothing blocking your view.
What He promised is what He gave.

Ironically, I had already started writing my blog post and through her message, God just affirmed that I was writing what He wanted.
Dayspring Church is having a Christmas service and luncheon on Sunday. Ava Michelle and I have volunteered to make macaroni and cheese- not common in Zambia so either everyone will love it or no one will eat it. I'll let you know how it goes. Then Lillian has invited us to her house for Christmas so we will spend at least part of the day with her family. We have set up Secret Santa with the boys (2 rules: 1. Keep it a SECRET. 2. Gifts have to be homemade). Hopefully we will be able to do our exchange with them on Christmas Day as well. I am super excited/interested to see how it turns out. 
So it may not look like Christmas here in the sense of the weather or the decor or financial expenditure. But the reminder that we are dearly loved children of a God who rejoices over every little thing we do is a pretty good illustration of the holiday season. 
May you celebrate in all ways glorifying to Jesus and the promise he came to fulfill. May you enjoy this season and find rest, peace, and joy. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

When in Zambia...

Our biggest accomplishment in the past week has probably been finally learning Bemba.
I'll share our newest/ most useful phrases...

How are you? : Muli shani
Fine: Bwino (that's the only response they teach you so if you aren't really fine, fake it.)
Good morning: Mashi bukeni
Where are you going?: Mulea qwisa?
See you tomorrow: Toco monana milo
Nice to meet you: Chawama ookuku manna
I miss you: Ninku fuluka
Come: Sa
Yes: Ehhhhhhh
No: Ah way
Mom: Bamami
Dad: Batata
Thank you: natutella
How did you like it? (talking about food): Mwali la
Too much: Sana (again, the only response they taught us)

We will keep learning more. Probably just in time to make it to Cambodia where they speak Khmer (I don't even know what that sounds like!!)

Also, we taught the boys at Dayspring how to shag, Wobble, and the Electric Slide. It was a big day. 

In other news, there is a baby praying mantis currently sitting on top of my computer in a sumo stance. No big. 

Sorry I don't have more exciting stories or deep, contemplative reflections. BUT we have officially been here for 4 weeks!!! As always, thanks for the prayers, emails, and thoughts.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Feel free.

I still wake up every morning and have to remind myself that I'm in Africa but we have finally fallen into some sort of routine. Bear with me as I try to fill you in on the events of the past week while finding the balance between "sufficiently illustrated" and "overly detailed".
Last week was our first full week at a single organization- thank goodness for consistency! I think that more than wanting to know what our schedule held day to day (that still changes on us often), I wanted to see the same kids over and over so I could build relationships with them. I've mentioned this "new" place before- Dayspring Ministries. It consists of a church pastored by Joseph Mwila and two "orphanages" run by his wife, Lillian. The 21 boys stay at Grace Center which is at the same place as the church and about a 7 minute walk from our hostel. The 20 girls stay at Faith Center which is a 10 or so minute bus ride in a place called Luangwa. I hesitate to call the establishments "orphanages" and their residents "orphans" because it feels anything but. It is actually called Dayspring Street Project so a lot of the kids were taken off of the street or from homes where their parents couldn't care for and send them to school. (In Zambia, you need to be sponsored to go to a good primary school and a lot of families can't afford that.) The kids are required to maintain contact with their families and being the holiday season, many of them have left Dayspring to spend it with brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.
We divide our time between Grace Center and Faith Center and try to hang with the kids for about 4 hours or so a day. We have been working with the younger kids on their reading. It's actually really cool to see how excited they get about sitting down and working through a book. There are times when I need a break from helping them sound out words before they are ready to stop. I've even caught the 10th and 11th graders engrossed in the fairy tale books I snagged from Faith. The boys love frisbee so we throw it around a lot. We are planning to teach the girls to bake something "American" for the Dayspring Christmas Party on Friday. Chocolate chip cookies are always a winner but Zambian grocery stores do not have have the baking supplies that Food Lion has and we don't have access to a functioning oven. We'll figure something fun out.
I know it may not sound like it so far but we've even managed to have a life outside of Dayspring. Zambians are so hospitable and this is easily one of the friendliest places on earth. Whenever we go somewhere, they always greet us and then say, "Feel free. This is your place."
Saturday we attended a Kitchen Party (basically a Zambian Bridal Shower) with Ivor. We wore our new African dresses, called "chitenges", which apparently give us credibility. People kept talking to us in Bemba expecting us to understand and someone even asked if we were Zambian! We spent the first hour or so outside with the women as we ate the first round of food they would offer us. Thankfully I wasn't too hungry because the meat was chicken feet and chicken heads. I'm all for trying new things but I think anything with a beak attached is where I draw the line. I stuck with nshima and a piece of regular chicken. After a while, Ivor invited us to join him and the men inside. We sat and talked until the bride's family arrived and what an entrance they made! The men (plus Ava Michelle and I) shifted to the outskirts of the room and then women came in from every direction. Some were carrying pots and drinks on their heads while others crowded around and joined in with chanting and shrilling. All of a sudden, people started throwing money on the floor in front of the women with the food until they set it down and then the eldest woman explained what each dish was. The "hidden meanings" behind the ceremony were explained to us by one of the older men. The bride's family coming to the groom and his place is a sign that he is now welcome at their home as part of the family. The food brought is representative of a typical meal he will find at the bride's family's home. And if enough money isn't offered when the women come, they can leave with the food. Talk about a sure way to kill a party! The women then left to prepare drinks and plates while the men took turns privately offering the groom advice. Then, of course, we were invited to eat again! As we left, the groom (Daniel) invited us to visit his and his wife's place for dinner before we leave Zambia. Meal invitation #2 (#1 was Lillian's last Monday).
Sunday we went to Dayspring for church. They call themselves a charismatic church and when they worship, they WORSHIP! Everyone was dancing as they sang and boy, was it a joyful noise unto the Lord! They even sang songs by Hillsong and Matt Redman! (I let the worship leader listen to my iPod today and he wants to copy my worship music so I wouldn't be surprised if Phil Wickham and Sidewalk Prophets make an appearance soon.) It was so encouraging to hear the excitement in people's voices plus mixing Jesus with dancing is a win-win situation. Pastor Mwila talked about how each of us is a member of the royal priesthood and that being so, how important it is that we spend our lives fulfilling the assignments God has for us rather than pursuing our own agendas. What good truth. Pastor Donald, the worship leader, had us to his home for lunch with him and his wife, Precious. Again, delicious food and plenty of it. Plus he informed us that when we clean our plates, it sends the message that we are still hungry which is why Zambians insist we eat until we are about to explode. Mental note: leave food on plate. He insisted on showing us his and Precious' wedding video and telling us the detailed version of how they met. And again, as we they decided we come back before our time in Zambia is over. Meal invitations #3 & #4.
Last night was probably the strangest meal situation. Background: A couple weeks ago, we met these Egyptian contractors who are building a shopping mall. They were having dinner at the restaurant attached to our hostel. By chance, we ran into them last Thursday at a take-away called Food Palace. We bonded over the fact that we are all foreigners with little knowledge of the city and few friends. (Of course that has changed significantly for us). They invited us to "Indian Monday"- which is usually "Indian Friday" and what they deem their weekly meal at Sazzy's Indian Cuisine. It was great conversation and cool to hear about Egypt and make mental lists about all the things we should when we finally make our way to the Middle East- on the next world tour of course. So there's one for the record books: 2 Americans eating at an Indian restaurant with Egyptians in Zambia. Talk about culture shock.
Side note: Hitchhiking here is safe and if you can't find a taxi, a lot of times someone will give you a ride if you are going in their direction. On our way back from Wusakile (yes, the town names are crazy) Saturday night, Ivor got us a ride to our hostel with a South African. Are you allowed to add "hitchhiking in a foreign country with a foreigner" to your bucket list after you do it??
Sorry this is so long but I hope it gave you a little insight into our life here. I still have a hard time believing this is really happening sometimes but I am so grateful for all the friends we've made and all the experiences we've had in such a short period of time. I guess the lack of a schedule allows for crazy adventures like these.
For those of you partnering with Ava Michelle and I in prayer, please continue to lift up our time here. That we find a balance between patiently letting God guide our way and taking advantage of opportunities He gives us. Also for everyone at Dayspring- the staff who so sacrificially give their time and money and love, and the children who are so filled with joy and already stealing my heart.
Tell America hello for me (and if you feel the need to whip up some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies in honor of our culinary venture failing on Thursday, feel free).